Tuesday, June 07, 2005

On my SH!T List...

Yeah, it's stupid. It's immature. But christ! I find it so annoying and rude when the Japanese teachers here ignore me when I say "good morning" to them in Japanese! There are a handful of friendly teachers, but the majority of them treat me like I don't exist or worse! So here are teachers my SH!T List (in no particular order):
  • HJ suggested that I leave names off the list and I think that's a good idea
And if you're wondering: The Japanese aren't polite all the time or even most of the time. It basically extends to formal situations between superiors and inferiors, brief periods of times with strangers, and between good relations. Beyond that, I've found through anonymous observation (being ethnically Japanese helps immensely) that the Japanese can be as rude as any other society, even ruder than American in situations. And you know what, I do feel better now.


Anonymous said...

Just ignore them first when you see them in the morning.
Btw, I hope no one on this list will visit your website... ^^;

Kent Matsueda said...

thanks, hj... i was thinking about the fact that murphy's law will get me fired over this. i kinda like the previous posts suggesions... subtlety with a sledgehammer...
-from the belltower

Anonymous said...

hehe... I want to try that "Fuck you very much" too!! Kent, let's find someone rude to us this summer and try that!! hehe.

Anonymous said...

HJ, why wait till you go home this summer? Just head down to the basement of Daiwa and let the oldies push you around for a bit in the bakery - it'll be a good introduction to the utilization of your new found phrase. Just remember to smile!

Kent Matsueda said...

Oh, I can't resist... my favorite since this last fall has been "wassup fucknut"? This one also works well in a wide variety of situations.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. you know, me being Asian and all.. I don't know if I can do that to the old ladies..
What I use in that situation is to come up to them just quietly, say nothing, and punch them in their faces.
You doubt it? Just ask Kent. hehe..

Anonymous said...

There is no friggin' way I'm gonna believe that HJ! I'm going to have to demand some proof or, at the very least, some details.

Kent Matsueda said...

well I could show you my broken glasses. yup that biiaaa-tch sucker punched me. DV! DV!