Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Weber Q 220 Grillin'

I bought my first grill earlier this summer and I've realized that I have a long way to go. I've already downloaded a pretty cool app for my iPhone: On the Grill. It wasn't free, but it seemed like a fair enough deal for the information and feature set.

Review of the Q Grill: My Grill (Weber Q Grill)

Indirect Grilling:
Cooking indirect on the Q is a simple task there is several different set-ups that can be used you, once you understand the basic method you can come up with different ways to meet your requirements. The basic method is to place a doubled over sheet of foil on the grill ensuring that you have an air gap between the edge of the foil and the sides of the Q of at least 1” on the long side and 1 ½” – 2 “ on the short sides. Then place a roasting trivet or a wire rack on the foil, which sits at least 3/4” above the foil, providing an air gap between the foil and the food being cooked. article

Friday, August 07, 2009

Trout fishing links and info

I haven't had much luck fishing for trout this season. I'd better study up and get out as much as I can before the season finishes up.


15- or 20-pound monofilament or fluorocarbon
salmon-style hook like the Eagle Claw L7226 (size 2/0)
gang size 8 or 10 gang hooks
small barrel swivel (size 10 or 12)
split shot