Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Maxin' out in Maui

It feels like we've been on the move since early this morning. The gang packed up every thing we had into 16 check-in packages among the nine of us and cleaned up the house in Kailua by 10 am. With some wonderful help from Aunty Winnie we lugged everything over to Honolulu International Airport.

It's about 6:30 in the evening and we're slowly unpacking the gear. The little ones have discovered the Playstation2 and now they're fighting away with each other, virtually and in reality. We're going to have to keep an eye on them in the next couple of weeks.

I can't think very clearly right now, but I guess we'll begin making preprations to go diving soon. The vacation is turing out pretty well. I think with the nine of us here, we're going to be getting on each others' nerves sooner or later. Thankfully it's always nice enough out to go for a walk and get some space.

I'm actually roasting right now since the air conditioning isn't working in the house. We keep blowing out the fuses around here! Yikes.


Casey said...

hey man..i just created a blog site, in order to respond to your blog, and i've forgotten what i originally meant to write, but i believe it involved something about me living vicariously through you in terms of your vacation at the moment, and something about it being cool and rainy here, which is actually very nice for sleeping, which i am going to do now...oh yeah, i am trying to make more music...all for you! talk to you soon...enjoy your vacation...

Kent Matsueda said...

Casey! Great to hear from you! Can't wait to check out your blog and listen to the new tunes! Have a great vacation!