Friday, December 28, 2007

Messin' with Photoshop

Well, I thought a good way to break in Photoshop CS3 would be to make a collage of the day's events. It made sense at the time since my camera is busted and I can't add new pix. So, I logically thought that I'd take old ones and make an account of the day. Knowing this would take a little time, I gave myself an hour and whatever I was left with I would post. Well... I doubt I'll do this again. I didn't even finish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

여기다 이렇게 써도 되나요?? ㅋ
새해에 글이 써진게 없어서
한참 고민하고, 그냥 돌아가려다가 ㅋㅋ

새해 복 많이 받으세요~!!
거긴 오늘이 1일 이겠네요 ㅋㅋ

08년 올 한 해에도
좋은 일 그~득!한 한 해 되길 빌게요 ^-^
켄토상에게도 전해주세요
(코리안 스토커가 전해달랬다고 -_-)/ )

Happy New Year~!!

저 사흘 후에 입사랍니다; ㅠ
군대가기 전 심정이에요 요즘;; ㅋㅋ