Thursday, December 27, 2007

Been too long... the big update

Well, things are going to look a little drab around here (the blog) for a little while. My Canon digicam kinda died on me a month ago or so. I had been having memory card errors and had attributed it to the less-than-optimal CompactFlash format that it uses. The camera is almost 5 years old and has seen extensive use. I shot about 5500 images with it and over 400 movie clips. Once I get a new job, house... life basically, I'll look into getting a new compact.

So, Happy Holidays!

We had a nice Christmas here in Vegas. We sent out presents and cards early, which was something new for me. It was well worth it. It made the holiday season much less stressful and we were able to sit back and enjoy.

Household update: sorry, "we" sometimes refers to Hyunjoo and I and other times it includes the entire household to include Scott (my brother-in-law) and Nayoung (Hyunjoo's younger sister). Hyunjoo's older sister, Hyunjung, and Kongkong (aka. Ryan, Scott and Hyunjung's baby son) are back in Seoul awaiting their immigration visas.

So, we (the household) went out for a nice Japanese meal Christmas Eve and Hyunjoo made up a wonderful Christmas dinner the next night.

I am currently working on more job applications and preparing for the next Electronic Village Online session. I'm a co-moderator again this year with the Teaching with PowerPoint 2008 session. I haven't been asked to a single interview yet and it's getting a little stressful. I'm working my "network" more and more. Something I should have been strong on from the start, well stronger perhaps.

I even have some info posted on another blog about the positions I'm currently pursuing, as a reference for folks I'm asking for help.

Hyunjoo has been knitting like a sweat-shop over here. She's made a lot of wonderful things for the holidays. I scored a beautiful new hat!

Overall, we're doing well. Best wishes and Happy New Year!

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