Friday, December 09, 2005


Made it to Friday. Whew. It was a longer day than usual. On top of six straight periods of classes, we had a 1.5 hour assembly right after school for the "Speech Contests". If we teachers didn't have a task - judge the speeches - I would have been asleep in 15 minutes.

I might be doing a lot of complaining today. We've been getting some butt-ugly weather recently. It's been hovering just a couple of degrees over the freezing point, so it's all been rain. Cold, windy, and rainy. It makes going out a real chore. Especially since I don't want to drive everywhere. Ah speaking of which... it's about time for the snow tires. They're kinda essential around here since there isn't any plowing to speak of in these parts. It can be a real problem with the amount of snow that's common to this area.

Whoa, negativity warning! Well now for some positive news. We have the weekend to ourselves and even though it won't be a vacation, we'll have time to do everything we need to and get some time to kick back and watch some movies that we're trying to catch up on.

Not much else to report on. Hopefully we'll hear good news from Chieko and Casey about their interviews from KIT. Until next time... Merry Christmas.

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