Friday, December 30, 2005

New Glasses!

First we got up "early" to go to lunch with Hyun-joo's family's friends. The parents live in Waikiki and their son lives in Philadelphia. Both families had lots to celebrate since their son has recently become engaged as well.

After that wonderful Japanese lunch, we took off to the jewelery store to get Hyun-joo's ring fixed. Unfortunately we had to wait 30 minutes for the jeweler to show up, but once he arrived the job only took him 2 minutes!

Then Hyun-joo and I took off to Namdaemun to look around for new glasses. I was interested in getting a second set because mine don't fit me that well. I love them, but I heard that you could find perscription lenses really inexpensively in Korea. And the rumors were right! I bought a new pair of Calvin Klein Titanium frames with lenses for only $200! Wassup?!!

Finally we swung by TGI Friday's for some chow and went to check out an old hang-out of Hyun-joo's: a sweet live Jazz club not far away. It was Funk night and the music was crankin'.

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