Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Been a while...

What a day to pick up on my blog. We enjoyed a three-day weekend, partly spent in Niigata. But I sure hit the ground running this morning.
First, I had to return the school's van that we were borrowing for our skiing trip. That entailed gassing her up and getting her washed down. Then I was supposed to return it to the personnel office to have it inspected. No one was in the office at 8:20, so I booked over to the garage to return it safe and sound.
Then, I had classes all morning, but was interrupted because they needed the van keys back. Doreen was nice enough to ferry the paperwork and keys back to the personnel office for me while I finished my classes.
After that, I had my "Jitterbug" hands-on class with my C4 students and that was a non-stop roller coaster ride from 10:50 until 2:00 PM.
Then, I had to prostrate myself to the folks in the personnel office for being late with the van. I also visited Yoshiko to apologize to her to, since she stepped in earlier to help out as well.
It's 3:00PM and my first break of the day.
I can finally begin to plan for tomorrow. Whew.

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