Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I used to be (-_-#) because I couldn't understand a lot of (^_^)'s. But I began to research (^_^)'s for my computer classes and realized that asian (^_^)'s are different than what I'm used to in the States. (-_-¤) Well, I found some websites that are very helpful interpreting the (@_@) of (^_^)'s that are out there. They can be very (o_O) if you don't know what they mean. I used to be (._.) whenever HJ would write me and I wouldn't know what she was (9_9) saying. So now I'm \m/>_<\m/ and having a (b~_^)b time with my new found understanding. Take care (n_n)


Anonymous said...

so, now you think that you understand my generation...?
OK, I will test you.
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
(_+.+)_ㅠ (/+.+)/ ㅕ (1+.+)1 ㅛ

Kent Matsueda said...

your generation!!! first of all, just so that everyone here knows... HJ is 32!!!

Question 1. scratching your lice-ridden head

Question 2. crying

Question 3. the double-finger

Question 4. fliping somthing over???