Thursday, November 24, 2005

Back to work

- whip crack -

Well, so far so good. One more class left to go today, and thankfully it's with my M1 class - they're a great bunch of guys. We're starting the future tense in class. Yea! I almost forgot, Happy Thanksgiving.

What am I thankful for?

I'm thankful that (as things look so far) the wedding is still on for next summer.

I'm thankful that my back hasn't given out in the past year and a half.

I'm thankful for a great family back home (most of whom are having a killer dinner together).

I'm thankful that my G4 laptop is holding together.

I'm thankful for my job.

I'm thankful that our three newest fry (baby fish) haven't been eaten yet.

I'm thankful that my cold is slowly subsiding.

I'm thankful for having discovered Bittorrent this past year.

I'm thankful that the American public is waking up to the incompetence of George W.

I'm thankful for mikan (Japanese oranges).


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my awesome fiance.
Did you get my hint?? -_-++

Kent Matsueda said...

hey, i left that out intentionally since it was implied in the first line, my fiancee