Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Back in Burlington

Hyun-joo and I are in Burlington again. The past few nights, we've been camping out at Little River State Park. Tonight we hope to stay at a friend's place and then the next couple of nights, we're out at North Beach park in Burlington. That'll give us the option to hang out around town and see friends, etc.

Hyun-joo was successful at getting her work visa from the New York consulate. We ended up going to NYC instead of Boston because we couldn't find a cheap hotel to stay at. In the end it was much easier to just hop on the train and make the trip into the city.

We've been camping, kayaking, hiking, shopping, catching up with old friends, and even catching a few movies. We hope to see "March of the Penguins" later today before we cruise over to Marc's for his movie night tonight.

Only one more big push planned!

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